I am looking through the haze of just how wretched I feel and look as I'm seeing it as a sign of a good night! Let me explain..Last night was the menswear Christmas Wig party.
I hate fancy dress parties...absolutely hate them! "Yes I would love to come to your party...oh..it's fancy dress? I'm busy!".
There is always that person who thinks that fancy dress is going to make them look good? The girls who use it as an excuse to look well a little "slutty" or try to look glamorous (you're wearing polyester and nylon which hundreds of people have sweated in before you...good luck) The guys think that dressing up like a fireman is going to attract above girls and they'll score!...Wigs are different! No one looks good in a wig, do they? Everyone ends up looking a bit of an idiot and that's what's genius! The Menswear Party was no different! Take a peek...

Just like any other day in the office to be honest.

I opted for the boyband wig, you may have noticed my rather fetching "I am NOT a Moron" T-shirt? My team made it for me as part of my Birthday present...don't you just hate inside jokes!? ;o) On the back of the T-shirt is my blog address - genius!

Here I am with our "Gay-L-S" manager (see below).

I've said it before, I will say it again...who am I? Why am I here? Where did I put my drink? Why have I got two wigs on? Why do I have a wig on at all?

Even Diana Ross turned up sparking rumours of possible duet with "Gay-L-S".
There were various highlights to the evening...Keiran, Iseult, Laura and I formed new boyband "gay-L-S", watch this space! A strange German man (Michael I think?) latching on to us telling us that he owned China, hated House of Fraser, earns 5 million a year and that out of his ten assistants in the corner of the bar half of them were going to lose their jobs in the new year and they don't know it yet (yeah...nice guy!)...oh yeah musnt forget about my bags entire contents being spilled over the bar floor (cheers Dave!) I laughed until I realised it was mine, I grabbed everything, well except my door keys it would seem! Had to get my housemate up to let me in and now trying to track down spares so I can leave the house.
Good Times - Reminds me of my uni days! The panic is fading a little, I'm 25 in two days but not ready to hang my wig up quite yet.
Quite yet?!? You will NEVER hang up your wig - do you hear me!! not if I have anything to do with it!! (CAn't work the f-ing thing to add my name - I am anon, apparently in punishment for my computer illiteracy) xLori