Monday 19 December 2011

I want!!!

If anyone is having any last minute panic as to what to get me for my Birthday or Christmas...fear not...I would like one of these! D&G's new touch screen watch fancy shmanzy!

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Video WOW of the Week!

I didn't really watch Xfactor this year but I understand that Kelly Rowland was, well a bit strange and kept yelling "y'all", calling Misha B "Mama" and peaked with a "Happy Frikin' Christmas". Mental singer or not think this is a great song, a fav at the moment...Kelly Rowland's "Down For Whatever ft. The WAV.s". No I've never heard of them either.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Smoking Rooms & Drag Queens...just another Turkey trip.

Just on board another plane, this time on my way back from Turkey, the fourth and final trip to Istanbul this year. A worth while trip, customers will now have a summer collection to buy! Hurrah! I'm sat on a flight with a crying baby next to me, clearly there's no chance of getting some sleep so thought I'd write a blog update instead.

We're normally lucky enough to stay in some rather plush hotels, not this time. When checking in we were told we were in the Garden Rooms...sounds posh doesn't it? Well, we thought so. Alas, we were wrong. The whole team of which there is just one smoker were in smoking rooms and we weren't even in the main hotel building. We had to go down two floors, walk past the gym and out the back door. Our adventure didn't end there, oh no, we had to walk literally round the very edge of the outside swimming pool up a flight of voila, musty, smokey room.

We kicked off, nothing happened. A guy did come round to spray the room with an air freshener, I can only assume the Turkish equivalent of Oust. He could tell I wasn't impressed.

This trip was just three days long...we didn't have to fly on a Sunday AND I get to sit back in the comfort of the office tomorrow - bonus! Although it was a short trip we did get to visit a rather cool restaurant which I recommend if you're ever in Istanbul, "Cahide".

By far one of the weirdest yet "brilliant-est" restaurants I've visited. Kitted out a little bit like a circus marquee, you are greeted by drag queens, loads of them. On the stage is a guy slowly turning into a woman, powdering his face, whacking on the lippy, bit by bit transforming into another very tall man in a frock.

The official show starts at about 10.30, there's drag queens singing on stage, the dreaded audience participation (I escaped, one of my designers didn't), acrobats and mini dance routines. Even the waiters got in on the action...they change outfits during the night, novelty glasses, top hats and at one point fake boobs.

Unlike most restaurants the "top table" is not that nearest the stage, it's the one in the middle of the room. This table mid show starts to raise up like something you'd expect to see at a Kylie concert. Up, it goes taking customers and dancing waiters holding mini fireworks with it, not for any reason in particularly, just to further mess with your head.

The last act on, the headliner, was a guy we were told by the drag queen chorus was a very very very famous Turkish pop-star. I was expecting some young whipper snapper, Justin Beiber or Justin Timberlake-esque. The dude who shuffled out was definitely mid 60's, Fabulous singer though, the Turkish Cliff Richard. I must find out his name.

There's a set menu at Cahide but they made a special vegetarian meal up for me. Wine is included and they keep topping you up, it's one of those places where you easily lose track of how much you've drunk, not great when you start to understand the madness going on around you. Starters came out served in dishes with dried ice and the desert tray arrived with yet more fireworks.

Even the toilets aren't pee into Rolling Stone style big lip urinals and there's no mirror but a video camera which films you and plays it back on a screen over the sink ; a mirror of sorts.

Absolutely brilliant restaurant and great night, it's the kinda place that in London would be pretentious but in Istanbul it's welcoming and well...brilliant. If you're ever in the city pay it a visit!

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous

Monday 19 September 2011

I want!!!

Look at this Trench Coat, It's Burberry, I love it, I want it!!!

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Monday 12 September 2011

I want!!!

Today in J Crew I saw these Red Wing boots. I don't really see myself as a boots kinda guy (I only wear converse) but I like these. I'm trying to be really good with spending at the moment but these are an exclusive collaboration between Red Wing and J Crew which means I have to get them whilst I'm here in the States..question is A) Will I look like a member of girl group All Saints circa mid 90s? B) Should I be put off by the fact that my designer has said they'll make me look gay?...hmmm.

I want!!!

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

I love New York.

I love New York.

Ever since my, all be it rather short, stint of living in the big city I've been hooked.

I lived in NYC for just under six months when I was 21. I studied a semester at F.I.T, the Fashion Institute of Technology. Feels longer than 6 years ago.. I lived with two fabulous girls from the course, Rose and Becky. We shared a small apartment in the East Village. East 13th Street between 1st and 2nd Avenue, above a launderette.

New York was the main reason I even enrolled on my Uni course. I remember the very day I had my interview, sat listening to the course leader who quite casually threw in that after our year placement in a London Head Office we would be going to New York to study for a term. Up until then I was torn between choosing a course in fashion management or music industry management (basically I wanted to move to London) this made my mind up. Fired up, I went for my interview.

When asked what Merchandising was I quite confidently said it was the pretty displaying of stock (or words to that affect), the course leader pulled her glasses down her nose and peered over, "No Paul, that is not what we do here, that would be visual merchandising". Oooops, not a good start, I managed to swing it round and some how, was accepted. 4 years at the University of Westminster here I come! Oh yes, I was moving to London, well Harrow as it turned out, but I was that little bit closer.

After I got back to London and back at work, As gay as it may sound, I knew I wanted to do the trip over and over again, in fact I wanted to do trips, lots of them. I commenced operation "Career Change".

Even as I fly on the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 (much to my families dread), on my third time back since I lived above that launderette, I'm excited. Most trips I sleep on the flight, this is one of the few destinations that I can arrive feeling like crap, jet-lagged to the max but instantly feel awake and ready to go.

I have some rather intensive shopping to do for work (it's time to kick off AW12), an inspirational trip to a secret location for trend research and an outerwear meeting on Wednesday morning but I intend to get some alone time in too. I have a feeling it might involve an early morning but it's my favourite way to see the city. Just me, a bagel and a Starbucks in hand. I wonder if that Launderette is still going strong?! I'll keep you updated.

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad (somewhere over The Newfoundland) - erm ?!?!

Saturday 20 August 2011

Video WOW of the Week!

This weeks video WOW is Jessie J's new video for forthcoming single "Who's Laughing Now". Due for release 22nd August. Kinda makes me want to go on a Facebook culling spree...OK, I'm not a popstar superstar but I've had lots of people who made my school life an absolute misery add me on the ol'Book de Face. Yup, this morning I will mostly be Un-friend-ing.

Monday 15 August 2011

Ryan Air vs British Airways.

Second plane in the space of a week. Last week I was flying back from my holiday; a fabulous week in Gran Canaria with the girls (gays), today I am flying to Turkey on a four day work trip.

The airline of choice for the hols was Ryan Air...Oh good God! If you've never flown with them, keep it that way. First of all, in my experience, it's never good when a plane looks like a rescue raft...bright yellow with safety instructions everywhere. The garish colour has a second purpose as well, oh yes, to keep you awake. Heaven forbid you relax and nod off, how would they sell you things when you're asleep? Probably why the seats don't recline either. You WILL stay awake and you WILL purchase scratch cards.

To be fair you wouldn't want to fall asleep anyway, I'm not being a bitch, you know me, it's not in my nature, but have you seen the clientele on your average Ryan Air flight? They'd pinch your passport, copy it and sell it on to the person sat next to you before you've even landed.

In summary Ryan Air makes Easy Jet look classy.

I'm currently sat on a British Airways flight to Turkey and following last week I will never moan about this airline ever again. Well I will, but less so. Unlike the guy sat in front of me who is kicking off about his vegan meal not tasting very vegan!? He's worked his way up the ranks and is now talking to the head stewardess, demanding an alternative meal? Hmmm firstly you're on a plane not in a restaurant and secondly, what she going to do? Emergency land and pop into Whole Foods in...where are we flying over at the moment?...the mountains near Bucharest? Prat.

I've come to the conclusion that aside from the normally quite rude cabin crew, the fact they always seem to lose my designer's luggage (seriously, almost every flight!!) and the vegan passengers, British Airways aren't all that bad, I've also just read that they're the main airline sponsor for the 2012 Olympics, now you don't get that title by being crap do you? Saying that I swear the pilot just walked past me in the cabin? That's not a good sign is it?

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad. (upon safely landing with wifi connection).

Monday 25 July 2011

I'm like soo East London

A personal best I think; two months, no update. Here I am, ta-dah, I have returned.

So much has happened! (It hasn't). My last blog entry was about moving so thought it only fair to update, I'm sure you've all been on the edge of your seats! I am pleased to say, I'm settling in to this whole living on my own thing. I'm sat here right now actually, in Casa de Pablo. The familiar smell of "chicken" from the rather questionable take-away next door is wafting through the window and the rude boys hanging around outside are being, well, rude. It's beginning to feel like home.

The first few days were a little weird, I couldn't shake that nagging feeling that I might, you know, go a little bit mental and start talking to myself? I've gone from constantly living with someone, being round people all the time to spending a lot more time by myself. It all feels very grown up.

That said, I'm ashamed to say the inevitable has happened; I forgot to pay a bill. The dreaded Council Tax, I was determined not to forget that one, I've read about lots of old people who have been put into prison for not paying (no really!), or is that there were refusing to pay? Either way, The woman was a right frigin' bitch on the phone and I could tell she was really judging me. I tried my best "I'm-just-a-little-bit-simple" voice, she was having none of it.

I've met the neighbours. My front door key was playing up so had to do the rounds of the building asking if anyone had a spare. I have come to the conclusion that pretty much all of them are slightly un-hinged, oh, except the couple downstairs who seemed quite nice. They didn't have a spare key, therefore were pretty useless, but they were nice none the less.

There's not really anything more to say really, oh except I've got a land line telephone, oooh yeah! Very grown up I hear you say...oh and it's a cordless! OK I'll stop now.

Monday 30 May 2011

Operation Move Princess v.2

I'm on the move again, my three month stay near sunny Stratford (East London not Avon) is coming to a close. My mate Laura is returning from her travels and will no doubt want her room back (cow!) and so I must bid farewell. I did joke to Laura that I was claiming squatters rights and not to bother coming back...she didn't reply.

Moving is hard work isn't it? Not even hard work as such just bloody confusing. I'm trying to sort out basics like who supplies my water? How much is my council tax? Do I have a phone line? To be honest I'm quite confused as to where to start. Doesn't bode too well, my first time living alone and I don't even know what bills I'm expected to pay...I'm going to be evicted aren't I?

So far I've booked BT in to come round and do what they have to do to give me a phone line and the magical wireless Internet. I move in on the 1st June and they, very kindly, have informed me that the earliest they can get round is the 21st June?! Speedy service huh? Hope the speed of the internet is more impressive.

The rest of the utilities bills I'm leaving until I'm actually in the flat, firstly I'm finding it all rather boring and secondly they keep asking me questions that I don't have the answer to. I have more important things to sort out anyway like buying a bloody bed for the weirdest shaped room in the world, a room with a view... of the tube line - jealous aren't you? Haha.

Why isn't there a website where you just type in your new postcode and it tells you all your utility providers, tells you your council tax band or whatever it is? And then gives you a list of telephone numbers to just get everything sorted, thus freeing up my valuable time to plan more important things like my house warming party, no make that soiree.

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Monday 16 May 2011

Dear Dream Diary,

They say you should always have a notebook by your bed for taking note of your dreams, they normally mean something, I have my IPad for such occasions. I think I've said on here before that I rarely wake from or remember dreams, after this bad boy, Thank God...

It was Christmas and my Sister, Dad and I had been sent out to hand out flyers to a small party my Mum was hosting. I was walking down the main road, where my Mum and Sister still live, handing out these flyers, incidentally they were completely incorrect, they had no door number printed but did have a website that doesn't exist. I noticed a large number of homeless people, not normal harmless homeless people, these were really sinister looking. I walked past two guys swigging out of a bottle and then a third huge guy with blonde hair, wielding a chainsaw above his head. Having just handed out my last flyer I was on my way back home when I realised that I had my quilt wrapped round me, I turned round and all three guys were running after me.

...I then woke - horrible.

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Sunday 15 May 2011

I want!!!

My fad for the moment is opting to drink "Fiji Artesian Water". Difficult to find, even in far I've only seen it in Selfridges's Food Hall. It's not cheap but I insist it tastes different AND more importantly the bottle is pretty! Also check out the bottle holder that the company produces, the website states this piece of kit is perfect for dinner parties and guest rooms with an "Island theme".

I want!!!

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Europe hold on to your hats...

It's Eurovision Day!!! I can't believe it's been a whole year since the last whoppa of a show!

I've not really been following the pre-shows religiously but I'm totally going to watch tonight, waving a loft the good ol' union jack flags (left over from our wedding party).

My flat mate told me about the Eurovision Apple app, so obviously I downloaded this on my Ipad...what a beauty, all the songs in one place (you can also buy them), history of the event and news directly from Dusseldorf! It's getting me in the mood. My mate Lori should be round this evening so I'll have a voting (drinking) partner.

I have scored each of the below final entries on their efforts. I've scored them out of 10 as I don't really understand the funny Euro scoring..12? 10? pah!

Finland - Paradise Oskar - "Da Da Dam"

Not a great start! Got a minute in and pressed STOP. Erm this is Eurovision!? Your song is Da Da Dam...n boring and you're boring...try better next year.

0 points.

Bosnia & Herzegovina - Dino Merlin - "Love in Rewind"

Quite a nice beat, catchy melody and some good ol' foot stomping. The band members are frigin' scary and it reminds me of a rather incestuous family scene but they smile through. Not a winner but good try all the same.

3 points.

Denmark - A friend in London - "New Tomorrow"

The lead guy is rather hot (minus the Jedward hair) but the song is too good? I know that doesn't make sense but this sounds like a "we're serious artists" entry, it's seriously lacking the required cheese factor. The title "A friend in London" may win some British voters however might also turn other countries against him...come on they all hate us right!?

5 points.

Lithuania - Evelina - "C'est Ma Vie"

I think she's going to pull a right corker of an outfit out the bag tonight but unfortunately this song is dull. I kept watching it waiting for a key change, beat change, anything, but no. Does Lithuania even speak French?

4 points.

Hungary - Kati Wolf - "What about My Dreams?"

Now we're talking! Dancers! Poppy song! Glam Lead singer! AND disco balls in her official music video! The best song so far by miles!! Definitely top three!

9 points.

Ireland - Jedward - "Lipstick"

What to say!? I can't stand them and they can't sing for toffee but at least they got into the spirit of things. Their video on the website shows a montage of their model shorts, they actually scrub up really well, REALLY well, does pose the question why insist on wearing your hair like that!?

I can't believe I am about to say this but....6 points.

Sweden - Eric Saade - "Popular"

"Stop, don't say that it's impossible...coz I know, it's possible" - lazy rhyming! Definitely one of the more professional performers, I think he will try and WOW us with his boyband hair, impressive light show, stage set and dancers covering a rather shaky voice and awful lyrics. That aside it's very Eurovision and will give Hungary a run for her money.

8 points.

Estonia - Getter Jaani - "Rockefeller Street"

This is the one of the favourites of my flatmate and mines. She's so cute and she can do magic what more can we ask for? Her song is annoyingly catchy, shit but catchy. Her outfits are garish enough for a thumbs up and her dancers are brilliant...oh and I nearly forgot her stage set? A cardboard city scape! Pleasing those who live in cities AND in boxes! Clever!

8 points.

Greece - Loucas Yiorkas - "Watch my Dance"

What on earth? The rapper is trying to be Eminem...badly, the lead singer is uber hot but is let down by, well....a crap song. Could have been so good. It's no Oooopa/ Uuuupa or whatever it was they were signing last year. Points for the lead singer's jaw line and cheekbones alone.

3 points.

Russia - Alexej Vorobjov - "Get You"

I've been transported back to the 80's. I'm in two minds, he's a bit strange and at times looks like he might be channelling Elvis. The dancing appears to be the old school step and shuffle rather than anything technical BUT the song is alright so that has just about saved them.

5 points.

France - Amaury Vassili - "Sognu"

Wait a frigin' second - Opera!?!? NEXT! Two points awarded for the official video, one taken away for bad hair.

1 point.

Italy - Raphael Gualazzi - "Madness of Love"

I don't like it. Don't get me wrong, he's very talented, a great singer and fabulous on the keys but there's only room for one Michael Buble in my opinion, even the Buble would know better than to sing his soothing, jazz numbers at the contest known for it's need for cheese.

5 points.

Switzerland - Anna Rossinelli - "In Love for a While"

Ahhhh I think I saw these guys on TV the other night in the Semis. The girl is dating one of the guys however they blatantly all share one bed. I quite like this one, feel good, happy clappy song, cute threesome, clean living. The world might find it a little too clean though.

I reward a respectable 5 points.

United Kingdom - Blue - "I Can"

They haven't aged at all have they!? They've got cheesier, well Duncan has, must be something to do with coming out as a Bi-guy, Simon still takes himself a little too seriously and Lee is still thick but also still the stronger singer...oh yeah and then there's the other one, last seen pissing up an ATM. The song is a goodun' I think! Better than last years, I can't even remember who represented us last time.

7 points.

Moldova - Zdob si Zdub - "So Lucky"

This song was as easy to listen to as it was to say their band name. Hate it.

1 point.

Germany - Lena - "Taken by a Stranger"

I don't want to panic anyone but I think the Eurovision rules have been broken...Erm Lena represented Germany last year, in fact she won last year? Can she really be allowed in again!? Perhaps she has been disqualified, it's the only video that my Ipad app is refusing to let me watch?

-1 point (for cheating).

Romania - Hotel FM - "Change"

WOW look at his dimples! That will earn him some points surely!? This is a Beauty! Cheesy singer and song! Don't quite get the band name but I'm going to gloss over that, this has just got me feeling too good to care. Still not as good as Sweden, Estonia or of course Hungary but I'm impressed. Strong Effort.

7 points.

Austria - Nadine Beiler - "The Secret is Love"

She'd be good on Austrian Xfactor, she would probably win but I think she's just a little bobby haircut and serious for Eurovision. I feel bad marking down for being too good, but it really is as if some of these entrants have never seen the show before?! They were looking for "Britain's Got Talent" and ended up wondering into Eurovision.

5 points.

Azerbaijan - Ell/Nikki - "Running Scared"

Doesn't she look like Holly Valance - you know kinda slutty. Fabulous song, just about camp enough for Eurovision, they could help themselves in the final by having literal dancing...dancers actually running across the stage looking scared? It would get my vote.

7 points.

Slovenia - Maja Keuc - "No One"

I think this is the chick that they call Slovenia's answer to Christine Aguilera. I like her, I like her a lot. She's hot, she's an excellent singer. One criticism, as pointed out by my flat mate Rich, is that she does have a habit of doing the twist of the hand a little too often when singing live - I feel a drinking game come on...every time she does a twist of the hand down a shot of Vodka: Please drink responsibly.

8 points.

Iceland - Sjonni's Friends - "Coming Home"

Is it bad that every time I hear the word "Iceland" I instantly think of Kerry Catona sat on an ash cloud? I'd was hoping this song would change all doesn't. This song is like something from a Robson and Jerome music video...oh, or Goodnight Sweetheart.

3 points.

Spain - Lucia Perez - "Que Me Quiten Lo Bailao"

I'm not being a bitch but she's not very pretty is she? There's something quite Diva International about her (by the way a travesty she didn't get through!). The song is spot on for Eurovision! I don't like it, but the masses will I am sure. I don't know what she is singing but I like to think it's about saving the world - the eurovision viewers will lap it up.

6 points.

Ukraine - Mika Newton - "Angel"

They have produced some good songs. In 2009 Svetlena Loboda was fabulous! Has Mika done it again this year? Erm not really, it's still a nice song, it has the required key changes belted out by the required trashy blonde but there are two things that annoy me. The song is a too slow and she sounds identical to Delta Goodrum, it's almost as if Delta's singing out the back and this girl is miming...don't tell me there's been another rule break!?

5 points.

Serbia - Nina - "Caroban"

There is such a thing as too much 60's - this is a case in point. She's trying to mix a bit of Twiggy, a bit of Emma Bunton and a bit of the Winehouse - The result being a big old psychedelic mess. Saying that I do love the song, I just don't like her, her dancers or her crazy look.

7 points (for song alone).

Georgia - Eldrine - "One More Day"

And last Georgia...The song improves as it goes on but Eldrine fails to look anything other than a woman who has been pushed to the brink and has gone a little mental...then the rapper starts waffling something and the old rock star wannabe gets angry down the mic - game over.

6 points.

SO my votes have been casted, counted and independently verified....HUNGARY TO WIN!!

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Video WOW of the Week!

I. LOVE. THIS. AD! It was a tough one this week, was torn between two potential video WOWs, two adverts actually. The first being the new Diet Coke with the puppet gals out shopping for a small bag big enough for a single can of you do, the second this beauty! I don't know what it has got to do with chocolate but it's fabulous none the less!

Wednesday 20 April 2011

I want!!!

I think I've blogged before about how my shopping habits have changed over the years. When it comes to designer clobber I've become a "considered shopper" this I mean "An individual who rarely impulse purchases but looks, thinks and if it starts to consume them from within, purchases". Not only does it save you money (kinda) it also means everything in your wardrobe deserves to be there.

Well...I have a wannabe purchase tugging at my heart (and purse) strings...

The unisex tees from brand "5 preview". I've seen this brand before, not really considered it but since seeing a rail in some over trendy HK store, I'm now craving their simplicity, bold prints and tongue in cheek usage of high profile designer this instance the double C of Chanel.

I want!!!

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Ovaltine is over rated.

You must be kidding right? After one one week of no jet lag, feeling springy, totally in control of what I'm doing and working with my fabulous team to put a rather fabulous range into work, I am sat awake at about 4am having had very little continuous sleep and well, it feels crap, especially considering I have some denim prices to firm up tomorrow morning.

I'm not putting this down to jet lag, it's been 11 days since I arrived in Hong Kong, its something much more sinister. As those of you who follow me on twitter will be aware, Username: Pauluk1983 if you're interested? (Nothing like shameless plugging) I have the dreaded inflammation of the two red mouth balloons, the hideous white specks have reclaimed my throat...(I think my tonsillitis has come back).

There are many things that I worry about on work trips, that's why they're work trips, that's why they're hard work and not called a holiday. But three of the key things I dread the most are, in no particular order, 1) missing a flight, 2) not being home for a serious family crisis and 3) getting sick...last one: check!

I was so careful! I was sleeping enough, eating healthily, drinking more water than humanly possible. It struck me the other morning, whilst in the shower that it might be something to do with that bloody five element tea I was knocking back in the contemplation room the other day. Fabulous for your gall bladder and eyesight but clearly the rest of your body will shut down. I thought Chinese zen was going to be the new me (well until I get bored and move on to a new fad) I'm not so sure now.

Since coming down with the dreaded plague I've drunk even more water, been taking it easy (as much as a work trip will permit) and ensured that I'm getting enough sleep, popping the pills and avoiding alcohol. Well I did have a vodka and tonic last night, I figured being highly alcoholic, gargling it round the back of my throat might do something? Cleansing or some crap like that? It didn't help really, just made me feel even more light headed, stuck to water for the rest of the night.

I knew it was important to get a full nights sleep. Sooooo, when we got back to the hotel bar for a night cap, much to my teams amusement, I plunged for an Ovaltine. Did it give me crazy dreams? Yes! Did it help me sleep?! Did it tonsils!

Now excuse me, whilst I sniff the lavender pillow strip the kind hotel left me and attempt to nod off. Ovaltine dreams here I come i.e being naked in bed conducting a fabric selection with my directors all sat on chairs around, really!

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Sunday 17 April 2011

Hello from Honkers!

I'm in Hong Kong again and I've returned to my favourite part of the hotel...The Contemplation Room on the 41st floor. Had quite a late / drunken one last night so following 4 hours of lying in bed watching several Discovery Channel shows on boating and logging (?!) this seemed to be the best place to head to detox and unwind before a late lunch. I'm kinda tempted to have one of the free teas...theres one for each of the five question is do I really want to drink metal... or earth for that matter? I'm assuming water is the safest bet?

I'm here for two weeks again, one week down with just 4 more days to go. Jet lag hasn't been such a problem this time round. I think I've discovered the best way to overcome it. I've already blogged about the standard things to do like make sure all your clocks, phones and watches are set to the new time which I continue to do...the difference this time I can only put down to the fact that I went out the night before my flight out here. I think I got home about 5am. When on the flight I slept for about 6 hours and then stayed awake until about ten o'clock before going to bed. Somehow I got up the following day for a 9am breakfast having slept right through - result!

I'm not here on my own this time, Ross the other casual menswear Buyer is here too, he's swimming at the moment I think? As did I yesterday...amazing pool, lovely warm water with a view over the city. We're making the most of the down time before the other team join us about 6ish this evening. After lunch I'm going to pop over the road for a spot of retail therapy and then go for a massage...they're so cheap here in comparison to London and so damn good!

One of the Spa staff has just come in and offered me the dreaded tea. it would be rude not to try it, he had a really bad lisp which compelled me to even more. Todays element is "wood"...good for my bladder, gall bladder, eyes, tendons and ligaments, very good for helping my vision (supposedly)...the emotions affected being depression and anger, which is a good job considering, similarly to last time I was here 5 months ago, two loud Chinese women have just come in and disturbed me talking about cameras or something. Now a guy has joined them munching on a frigin ice cream.

Better go now, I'm hungry, a boy can not survive on wood tea alone, I will leave you with my view...

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Saturday 9 April 2011

Video WOW of the Week!

Britney's new single "Till the World Ends". Not too sure how I feel about Britney predicting the "end of the world" on my Birthday...but I'm hoping by the way she emerges from that old sewer at the end, looks around with that rather gormless smile on her face, that she got it wrong...*phew*.

Video is MUCH better than the last "Hold it against me" gypsy wedding attempt if you ask me. A bit of dancing, bit of a storeline, bravo!

Thursday 31 March 2011

A coffee by any other name would taste like coffee.

Guess where I am?! Haha yup Starbucks...many people (OK, one person) asked me why I haven't blogged about the logo change, well here I am doing just that...because I like to answer my reader(s).



So different huh?

At first I was afraid, I was dare they change the logo?! More to the point, Why? What was wrong with the old one? I, of course, did what any one else would do in this moment of uncertainty, this moment of chaos and lack of meaning...I turned to google.

I read a few pages, wow it's got some people hot under the collar. The basis of it, I believe to be, Starbucks wants to be known for it's whole array of products, not just coffee, the last logo had the words "Starbucks Coffee" in it and therefore it, obviously, had to go. Unwanted, tossed out, dead. Now from someone who is known for being a bit of a drama queen...I think Starbucks (do you mind if I call you that?) needs to chill out a little...a rose by any other name would smell as sweet and I guess a coffee is the same right?

I'm a sucker for branding, whack it in a nice box and I'll probably buy it. I like change, I live for it, but come on, this is slightly un-necessary. I was disappointed by the Christmas cups, the new bright green cup holders are equally disappointing...lime green does not cry sophistication, it cries look at me I, erm, I like green (?!)...don't get me started on the new (vile) lollipop cake stick things. Starbucks you are on thin have been warned.

Oh...and another thing, you going to replace all the china mugs I have at home? They now have the wrong logo on and I feel a little bit like I'm sporting a Walkman when everyone knows it's so last decade...I feel judged.

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Video WOW of the Week!

Sorry I've not been around, truth is my housemate and I have discovered a game, a splendid game, an addictive game..."mini gay boyfriend". We both have real boyfriends...sure, but this lil version I can turn off, I can take round with me in my man bag and go on holiday with instantly. You start off dating, you then move in with each other, buy a pet, get married and then go on holiday. Download it from a visit to Studbucks and unlock the secret're doing it right now aren't you?

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Friday 11 March 2011

Operation Move Princess

Tonight is my last night in West Hampstead...OK, OK, Kilburn...Whatever you want to call it, I've lived here for nearly three years and from someone that usually moves every year that's a big deal. That's why, although I'm excited to move, it's also quite hard. I've grown to love it here. I can be on Bond Street in twenty minutes, sat at my desk in the office in the same period of time, it's convenient and well... "nice". Yummy Mummy Hampstead and the parks are a relatively short distance away, the night bus drops me off almost straight outside my flat and if I roll out my bed I'm practically in the Sainsburys over the road. It's become very comfortable.

Why am I moving?...Thank you for asking. Well there's two reasons really. Firstly I think I've out grown my flat...with risk of sounding like a snob, bugger it I don't care, I feel a little student like here and I want a nice new place where the knob doesn't fall off the drawer when the washing machine decides it's going to take off across the kitchen. Secondly, I'm moving in with my mate Rich who needs a flatmate for the next three months whilst our friend Laura goes away on a trek around the world. I'm moving to Stratford area, well Pudding Mill Lane or it might be Mile End...I don't really know what the area is called to be honest, anyway it's got a balcony and a lift which by my standards cries young gay, professional sufficiently enough.

I'm sat here on my bedroom floor where my bed used to be with my belongings packed up around me. I hate packing for trips and tend to do it either a) drunk, b) at the very last minute or c) both. This time I've been very organised, booked the day off work and called in some help. My Mum and Sister have just left (thanks again if you're reading) and my Dad and boyfriend are on their way round to help me with the dismantling of the big stuff.

"Operation Move Princess" commences tomorrow morning at 0900 hours when we collect the street van. Don't ask about the mission mates (and now family) have called me Princess since a certain run in with a certain camp doorman at a certain gay bar in Devon. Unfortunately it's stuck.

First trip tomorrow morning is to drive to my boyfriend, Tim's flat in Crawley to drop off my larger bits of furniture that I'm not taking to Stratford / Pudding Mill....let's just call it East London. After that its back here to load up my boxed life and whizz it over to East London, then back over to West Hampstead to drop the van off...where I will do my "Mission Complete" dance. Well not quite complete, I have to come back to this flat to clean it on Sunday. I bet you can imagine just how thrilled I am to do that! In fact I'm willing to pay someone to do it for me. Why didn't I think of this before?

As the last few hours tick by...I want to say Kilburn it's been fun but we must part company for a while. I promise to visit regularly, if only to visit the Milkshake bar up the road which only just gave me a loyalty card this week or to the Starbucks where I visited every weekend, I don't think there's one near me in the new place...there's a McDonalds though...that's just as nice right?! *sobs*. Only joking...bring on the new chapter, me in the East London hood! Booyakasha!

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Dogs in Lifts.

Following on from previous blog...I can confirm that Jordan (aka Katie Price) is indeed staying in my hotel. My director was in the lift (aka elevator) with her yesterday morning, supposedly she looked exactly how you would imagine her to.

I on the other hand shared a lift with a LA fashion gay with coiffured poodle. I think we all know who won.

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Monday 28 February 2011

I heart LaLa Land.

I've got something I want to get off my chest...

...Ever since watching high brow American West Coast TV shows such as The Hills, I've felt the urge to get over to this fabulous city. The place where the sun always shines, everyone has a dog, everyone does yoga and drinking rather questionable vitamin mixed fruit smoothies (or beauty shakes as I even saw one called yesterday) for breakfast, lunch and dinner is normal, in fact encouraged.

I'm here at the moment on a work trip. It's time to think trends for Spring/Summer 12. Everything you read, watch in films or hear in songs about this city (think Katy Perry "California Girls") is true.

We arrived yesterday night. I've only seen a small amount of the place, Venice, Santa Monica and Malibu (all be it by night), I've been here just over 24 hours and already I'm impressed, no make that REALLY impressed. Wanting to move here impressed.

LA had me at hello. The hotel we're staying in is beautiful, very swish. I'm staying on the "PH" floor, oh yes people, that stands for Pent House, I hasten to add that I'm not actually in THE Pent House, just a room, a large beautiful arty for arts-sake room with a fabulous view...

We had breakfast in what I can only describe as a Californian greasy spoon yesterday. It was right on the beach front. LA has such a relaxed way of living, I kept seeing shaggy haired men coming out the sea, whack on a colourful hoody (incidentally I am dubbing LA the hoody city of world) and head into said greasy spoon for an organic cup of coffee before heading back for the surf. Older men but not a mid life crisis in's just what they do.

We drove through expensive Venice where we visited some boutique stores. We then continued on to the larger stores of Santa Monica...very different areas but a constant happy, relaxed feeling in the air.

I could live here. I'm certainly more comfortable in jeans and hoodys than suits and although I've just shaved my hair off (don't ask) I could rock the longer sun bleached, tanned look. I want a dog, I have a BlackBerry and I've windsurfed [once], that must count for something right?

There is also a glam side to the city, The Oscars was hosted in the city last night. After arriving back from our road trip (see, I'm speaking the lingo already) our hotel was cordoned off and there were thousands of fans screaming on either side of the road. We were surrounded by stretch limos and paparazzi camera flashes. It was the Vanity Fair after show party in the hotel opposite ours.

I couldn't see any "celebrities" but the crowds kept screaming their names, screams I could hear all the way from the top floor of the hotel when I got into bed. Exciting at first, sleep disturbing after a while.

In fact I take it back, I did spot a celebrity. That dude Phil Turner from that daytime D.I.Y show with his stylist boyfriend / best friend of Katie Price. Worryingly this was in my hotels lobby so I can only assume the young lady herself is here somewhere...I'm going to do my "nonchalant-I-dont-care-if-you're-famous" browse around the breakfast room in the morning. Will update you if I see anyone.

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Friday 25 February 2011

Video WOW of the Week!

O,M,triple G...She's back with a belter. Some people think she's ruined Dub-step, some people (like my good self) don't care. One thing is for certain however, the constant advertising through out is shameless. Love the song. It certainly had me dancing up against my fridge, both of them, we have two in our kitchen...don't ask. Britney Spears - Hold it against me.

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Monday 21 February 2011

Gobble Gobble.

On my fourth work trip of the year. I've been to Florence, Berlin and Paris and now on my way hurtling through the sky to Turkey (in a plane).

I never learn, I did it again, I thought it would be a good idea to go out last night and although I'm certainly by no means hangin' the last place I want to be is on a plane, especially one that is full, meaning no empty middle seat. I'm officially a battery chicken.

I did my usual packing last minute so God knows what I've actually packed. It's going to be cold so I already know I've not got a suitable coat or footwear. Last time I went to Turkey this time of year it SNOWED (capitals intended to add emphasis). Highlight of that trip being a twenty minute car journey taking two hours due to traffic in the white stuff - nice.

Ooh inflight movie has come on...something with Bruce Willis in? Think I'll give it a miss. I rarely watch the movies on planes, it's the ideal time to catch up on some sleep or to blog, so here I am.

It's just a short visit to Turkey this time, four night instead of the erm five? OK, it's not that much shorter. It does however give me an all important one day turn around before I head off to the States, that's right, I land late Thursday night, got a meeting in the office on Friday morning, quick dash home to put an underwear wash on and then fly to L.A Saturday morning...and people think this job is glam?!

Inflight meal time - Stand by for review...

Being vegetarian we always get our food served first. Nothing like segregation of the "difficult people". The meal was not British Airways finest. Some indescript mousse thing which I left. Followed by a mushroom and something else curry with rice. I really struggle with curry, I don't like the word. I ate it anyway, I'm fickle like that. For desert four slices of fruit. Still hungry. Kinda scared to ask the air stewardess for something else (we think she's schizophrenic).

I wonder where we are now...plane is showing said dodgy Bruce Willis flick so we don't have those moving map things. I like those, it helps me improve my serious lack of geographic knowledge. Will have to make do by just looking out at window at pitch black 35000 feet of space below me and guess...Germany perhaps? Is that even on the way?

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Saturday 12 February 2011

Sleepy inspiration waffle.

I often get asked (I don't) where the inspiration comes from for my writings. Well sometimes I use it as a platform to moan about something, sometimes I use it to show off (come on that's what all social community sites are for!!!) and sometimes, well, sometimes I kinda just download on to a page in a particular moment, a space in time.

For example right now I'm laying in bed at the boyfriends (mine). I'm in the spare room because a) the bed is more comfortable and also b) I'm feeling a little under the weather at the moment and don't want to spread whatever foreign disease I've picked up on my travels...I'm good like that.

I've been getting lots of sleep, which is great, but this has meant that I've also wonked up my sleep pattern. So right now, here, at 5.19am I lay trying to get back to sleep, not helped by the fact that my wisdom teeth are hurting, I have a sore throat AND a headache. Only pills in the house are paracetamol....with caffeine. I'm no doctor but that's not going to help me sleep and sleep is what I need.

I've been to get a drink of squash (lemon, if you're interested) as I thought a change of scenery might help. I've also killed some time on Twitter. Twitter is always good to kill time on.

I've Tweeted to some of those people or "Tweeps" I follow in the States and even asked Cory Monteith (the tall dude from Glee) two questions during his random "Q&A session" - he didn't answer either. Maybe asking "boxers or briefs" was deemed inappropriate?

My battery is about to die on this here BlackBerry. I don't like the thought of anything dying really but hoping it might help - Until the morning bright glowing distraction be gone.

Sunday 23 January 2011

Cox, Cookies & Cakes.

It's been open for a while, some would say old news...but I visited Cox, Cookies and Cakes for the first time last weekend.

In the heart of London's Soho it's kitted out like a sex shop; the servers are wearing leather aprons with studs, the music is bass blaring loud and neon lights add to it's glam/ seedy vibe.

The cakes are no different...You can choose from the classic cupcakes which are about £2.50 (boooooring!!!) or go for the more design based ones which are £4.00. The designs include a Marilyn Monroe themed one (for the glam ones in your life), a cupcake with flexing arm muscle on the top, cleverly called "beefcake" and then the famous "titty cake" which does exactly what it says on the tin...saucy!

The idea came from designer Patrick Cox who says on his website, he grew up with his mother baking around him and that it had always been an interest of his. I used to lick the wooden spoon too, however he has a little thing called "large amount of capital" and therefor probably easier for him to open a day Coxy, one day!

Next time you're in sunny Soho, visiting the bars, clubs, shops and "questionable theatres", drop in. They make perfect gifts too! Just make sure you keep them upright!...Sorry Martin and Laura!

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Monday 3 January 2011

Oh my Rihanna, it's Cher.

It might be spiteful but there are no words to describe how much I despise this thing...Go away Cher, no one cares...and breathe!

Sunday 2 January 2011

Video WOW of the Week!

The boyfriend and I normally go and see a movie on New Year's Day, it's one of our things that we do. Yesterday we saw Tron 3D. LOVED IT!

I'm secretly (or not so secretly sometimes) quite a techno-geeky person and therefore even if there wasn't a story line I was still going to be impressed with the outfits, gadgets and effects. In fact I can't really remember the story line 100% but the film was still amazing. The lead actor was slightly annoying, he had an overly gruff voice and too many teeth but get past that and it's a fantastic movie that makes you come out the cinema feeling disappointed with normal life and like you kinda want to keep running at a computer until you get sucked in - don't worry I've not

A Disney movie and not a Mickey Mouse in sight!

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year's eve, that's right, It's the big 2011, my ipad has not been affected by the millennium bug or 2011's equivalent and therefore I present my first post of the year.

I was just going to go back on my blog and see if I had achieved my new years resolutions for 2010, then realised I didn't really make any...result!

This year I am, but I'm keeping it simple and above all achievable; I'm going to start saving and drink more water.

The first just because I should and it's what we "grown-ups' do blah blah blah. The second; pure vanity. Recently, you see, I've been getting the "crap I AM actually getting older" feeling and feel that I should take a little more care. It was the cow on a certain beauty counter, that shall remain nameless (Biotherm) that first kicked the feeling in. She told me that one should start their anti-ageing regime at the age of 25. I nodded, stocked up and left, realising on the tube about ten minutes later with a shudder that I'm 2 years behind already.

I don't want to be one of those queeny mincers that plucks their eyebrows within an inch of their life who's skin colour looks like they help a certain Willy Wonka in a certain chocolate factory but at the same time I don't want to look 50 when I'm actually 30.

Drinking a litre and a half of water a day helps your body keep going but also more importantly makes your skin glow, like a pregnant woman without the pregnancy. Be warned however that if you drink more than two and a half litres, you can drown!? Not sure if that's true or not but I will follow with caution.

You'll be impressed to hear that so far, so good, I'm sat here at my desk avec water by my side, don't think I've gone over my recommended daily allowance yet, this could be dangerous.

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.