Sunday, 30 November 2008
Who am I?
Cover Girl African Queen Collection *kiss* *kiss*
So...who's been watching America's Next Top Model? I love it! I (unfortunately) already know who wins this cycle as I made the mistake of googling for some information and of course it's already been shown in America and the bloody yanks had talked about it online - school boy error! Anyway Monday just gone, the models had to do adverts for "covergirl" in Italian, needless to say it was a disaster or disastro as our pasta cooking friends would say - here was my favourite...Whitney (she's the token fat one - sorry "plus-size") - would you buy the product? Would you not just run away?
This got us in the mood, we thought, no, we knew we could do better! and so we did. Here is Lori in our version.
I think Lori's slightly more believable actually! She's got that more personable approach! Make the most of the vid, Lori doesnt know it's online and she may ask for it to be removed when/if she finds out! ;o)
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Dinner Party Plans - The table is set.
Bon Appétit
Video WOW of the week!
Britney Spears performing new song "Womanizer" on French "Star Academy". Very very very excited to see her perform on Xfactor tonight...This is indeed the most impressive video WOW to date. With new album out Monday, concert next's good to see her back to her glory days.
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Video WOW of the Week!
Watched the movie "WANTED" this week with my boyf. I must admit when it was at the cinema I didn't really have any desire to see it, but as we decided that I wouldn't understand the Russian subtitled movie that we had planned to watch that evening...we would watch this instead.
I loved it, it was an 18, which I can't normally watch (if you've read further in my blog you'll know the calibre of movie that I prefer) but I could watch it all, except for one point with a knife which I hid from.
Positives were Angelina Jolie, who is unbelievably hot, the special effects were pretty impressive and above all there was a story line I could follow!
Without giving too much of the story away its about a man(played by that man who was also in Shameless) who works in a boring office job, he meets Fox (Angelina) in a supermarket and she tells him that his dead father was an assassin, one of the best, and he is called up to take his place in "the fraternity" as he also has the powers that let him fight, he can curve bullets, swing knives around really fast and everything!
Anyway...he joins this group of assassins who train him up and he decides that he wants to kill the man who murdered his father but he can't do that until this special fate showing fabric loom tells him that this is his next target, he gets his chance eventually but he starts to question....Was his dad really murdered and are the Assassins who they think they are? hmmm...who knows? (well I do, but I've watched it)
I recommend this movie.
Starbucks Review No.2 and No.3 : James Street and 02 Centre, Finchley Road.
First visit was Wednesday this week, was on my way to our company press show, heading for the tube and I thought "Paul, go on treat've got a busy day ahead of you, you look tired and you feel it too", so I did, I stepped into James Street.
I have never sat and had coffee in this branch but I do often pop in after a comp shop or store visit to recharge the batteries as I walk back up to the office. There's something about this place which is quaint, it's quite small not in a claustrophobic sense just cosey. The staff are friendly, it's got an almost tearoom vibe about it despite being a stones throw (I've always wanted to say that) from the monster that is Selfridges and busy Oxford Street.
Now if I've learnt just one thing from Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer that is location is everything...this branch is mega close to St.Christopher's place which I also love, lots of cafes, greenery *sigh*... I award this Starbucks establishment 7 mochas out of 10 - and will continue to visit.
My second visit review is less positive. The 02 Centre, Finchley Road.
I am at the 02 centre a fair bit; it's my local big supermarket, cinema, Yo! get the idea, it's not the closest Starbucks to my flat but still one that I visit a fair bit at weekends. It's a lovely place, nice and spacious with big windows. It's also great for "celebrity" spotting, my friend Lori (who actually visits the chain a lot more than I do) was in there the other week and none other than Rachel Stevens of Strictly Come Dancing/ Sclub 7 fame was sat right next to her...then JLS from X-factor walked in (I dont like them - do they need to go EVERYWHERE together in those bloody JLS hoodies, I hope they wash them!), anyway Rachel lives in the area and the Xfactor house is also pretty close so there is always some one loitering around that you've seen on the ol' box.
This is all well and good, however, I went there with Tim recently and ordered my Christmas favourite "Gingerbread Latte"...well! I couldn't finish it! It was disgusting, it tasted bitter but not in a nice way, skanky bitter, not enough flavour, just nasty! I didn't complain (in hindsight I should have) but it put me off the drink this season and for this reason I can only give 4 mochas out of 10. I will continue to visit but I will just be a little more careful about my drink selection.Ostentatious
1. What time is it? 9.15am
2. What is your full names? Paul David Hayes
3. What are you most afraid of? Being Poor and lonely.
4. Place of birth? Chelmsford, Essex
5. Favourite food? Pasta
6. Your natural hair colour? Brown
7. Have you travelled? I've been to various countries on holiday, by "travelling" in it's true sense, closest was when I lived in NYC for 6 months.
8. Do you scrunch or fold (toilet paper)? This is a totally stupid question that I really don't get.
9. Love someone so much it made you cry? Yes
10. Do you like the person who sent this to you? My mum and sister sent this to me in an email...I love them both very much.
11. Mercedes Benz or Lexus - I think if I had a child (unlikely as I'm not a fan) I would probably call it Lexus.
12. Favourite day of the week? Saturday
13. Favourite restaurant? PingPong
14. Favourite flower? Orchids.
15. Favourite sport to watch? I only really watch the Olympics.
16. Favourite drink? Caramel Macchiato "A creamy mix of vanilla and freshly steamed milk marked with intense Starbucks® espresso, topped with velvety foam and our own proprietary buttery caramel sauce".
17. Favourite ice cream? Phish Food by Ben & Jerrys.
18. Disney or Warner Brothers? Disney although I'm fickle.
19. Favourite fast food restaurant? Sushi - Wasabi or Yo!
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Starbucks Review No.1 : Embankment WC2
I know y'all can't wait to hear my first review, so hear goes.
It's a rather small branch tucked away in a corner right outside Embankment Tube station on the Charing Cross side. The branch, although small, can suprisingly hold quite a few customers so that's a thumbs up...the cleanliness was lacking but the coffee quality was on the mark.
Bonuses of the location include it being a great people watching area (one of my favourite past-times), it's proximity to central London and transport in general.
All in all it was a pleasurable visit, I wouldn't go out of my way to re-visit but it's nice knowing it's there anyway should I be at Embankment and erm...want a coffee?
Now for the all important marking : I give this Starbucks 4 mochas out of 10.
Bank Charges blah blah blah
- I could buy 2500 penny sweets
- Travel to Chelmsford and back again...twice.
- Buy 3 copies of the new Saturdays Album.
- Eat 14 green plate dishes at YoYoYo-Sushi.
- Enjoy around 8 Starbucks Mocha's.
- Exchange it for 37.4141 US dollars or 635,326.52 Vietnamese Dong.
- Watch the latest High School Musical film at the cinema, 3 times.
Monday, 17 November 2008
Blackberry - more than just a fruit.
Basically the site is a blog where people can upload photos of celebrities using their blackberries so people can see which ones they have and compare - HOURS of fun huh? Here's a taster...

Book Review - "A girl called Britney"

First of all I always judge a book by it's covers (front and back) The back cover reads:
"Britney is very pretty. Britney is the most successful pop princess in the
whole wide world! This is her Story".
The front cover has completely caught the essence of Miss.Spears (aka Mrs.Alexander/ Mrs. Federline), school uniform and bunches circa Hit me baby one more time - perfect.
The book covers all major incidents in her life, ranging from her early Disney career , her first single's success, relationship with Justin, that kiss with Madonna, marriage to that guy she married for 52 hours or something like that and then the next marriage to skank-face-nasty-b@stard-rat-feature-weasel Kevin Federline not forgetting all the kids she popped out along the way...the book, released in 2006, doesn't hint at or forecast a comeback (that we are currently seeing) but I am willing to overlook this.
The Guardian said "Beyond Amazing", The Sun, "Ultimate Toilet Reading"...I say,"All in all, the book is a fascinating read and I would recommend it to anyone with an interest in the popster! I couldn't put the 20 pages down! It accounts her whole life in easy snapshots...a couple of paragraphs and a picture is all you need".
I give this book a commendable 9 husbands out of 10...It's Britney Bitch.
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Video WOW of the week!
Same Difference meets High School Musical - it was always going to be amazing right?! I love this! "We R One" Released 24th November!
The new starbucks cups are out and the lights are on...
So I thought I would share my Christmas list (what I want, not what I'm giving that would be silly), the reason is two fold...firstly, I can add to it when I see more things and secondly I can send the link to my Dad who has already asked for a list...easy! In no particular order...
1) Fred Perry Bag from the Laurel store in Covent Garden.
2) Kylie X tour on DVD - this could be difficult as I don't know it actually exists but gonna put it out there.
3) Blackberry Case.
4) New Girls Aloud Album - Out of Control
5) New Pink Album - Funhouse
6) Fred Perry Laurel Polo Shirt
7) Some more bear-bricks
8) Spooks TV series boxset- Series One
9) Professor Layton & The Curious Village Nintendo DS game.
10) My French Coach: Intermediate Nintendo DS game
11) Starbucks gift card/ voucher thing.
12) Blackberry Desktop Charger
13) Prada : AMBER pour Homme fragrance
Hmm that will do for now...Happy Christmas!