Thursday, 31 March 2011

A coffee by any other name would taste like coffee.

Guess where I am?! Haha yup Starbucks...many people (OK, one person) asked me why I haven't blogged about the logo change, well here I am doing just that...because I like to answer my reader(s).



So different huh?

At first I was afraid, I was dare they change the logo?! More to the point, Why? What was wrong with the old one? I, of course, did what any one else would do in this moment of uncertainty, this moment of chaos and lack of meaning...I turned to google.

I read a few pages, wow it's got some people hot under the collar. The basis of it, I believe to be, Starbucks wants to be known for it's whole array of products, not just coffee, the last logo had the words "Starbucks Coffee" in it and therefore it, obviously, had to go. Unwanted, tossed out, dead. Now from someone who is known for being a bit of a drama queen...I think Starbucks (do you mind if I call you that?) needs to chill out a little...a rose by any other name would smell as sweet and I guess a coffee is the same right?

I'm a sucker for branding, whack it in a nice box and I'll probably buy it. I like change, I live for it, but come on, this is slightly un-necessary. I was disappointed by the Christmas cups, the new bright green cup holders are equally disappointing...lime green does not cry sophistication, it cries look at me I, erm, I like green (?!)...don't get me started on the new (vile) lollipop cake stick things. Starbucks you are on thin have been warned.

Oh...and another thing, you going to replace all the china mugs I have at home? They now have the wrong logo on and I feel a little bit like I'm sporting a Walkman when everyone knows it's so last decade...I feel judged.

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Video WOW of the Week!

Sorry I've not been around, truth is my housemate and I have discovered a game, a splendid game, an addictive game..."mini gay boyfriend". We both have real boyfriends...sure, but this lil version I can turn off, I can take round with me in my man bag and go on holiday with instantly. You start off dating, you then move in with each other, buy a pet, get married and then go on holiday. Download it from a visit to Studbucks and unlock the secret're doing it right now aren't you?

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Operation Move Princess

Tonight is my last night in West Hampstead...OK, OK, Kilburn...Whatever you want to call it, I've lived here for nearly three years and from someone that usually moves every year that's a big deal. That's why, although I'm excited to move, it's also quite hard. I've grown to love it here. I can be on Bond Street in twenty minutes, sat at my desk in the office in the same period of time, it's convenient and well... "nice". Yummy Mummy Hampstead and the parks are a relatively short distance away, the night bus drops me off almost straight outside my flat and if I roll out my bed I'm practically in the Sainsburys over the road. It's become very comfortable.

Why am I moving?...Thank you for asking. Well there's two reasons really. Firstly I think I've out grown my flat...with risk of sounding like a snob, bugger it I don't care, I feel a little student like here and I want a nice new place where the knob doesn't fall off the drawer when the washing machine decides it's going to take off across the kitchen. Secondly, I'm moving in with my mate Rich who needs a flatmate for the next three months whilst our friend Laura goes away on a trek around the world. I'm moving to Stratford area, well Pudding Mill Lane or it might be Mile End...I don't really know what the area is called to be honest, anyway it's got a balcony and a lift which by my standards cries young gay, professional sufficiently enough.

I'm sat here on my bedroom floor where my bed used to be with my belongings packed up around me. I hate packing for trips and tend to do it either a) drunk, b) at the very last minute or c) both. This time I've been very organised, booked the day off work and called in some help. My Mum and Sister have just left (thanks again if you're reading) and my Dad and boyfriend are on their way round to help me with the dismantling of the big stuff.

"Operation Move Princess" commences tomorrow morning at 0900 hours when we collect the street van. Don't ask about the mission mates (and now family) have called me Princess since a certain run in with a certain camp doorman at a certain gay bar in Devon. Unfortunately it's stuck.

First trip tomorrow morning is to drive to my boyfriend, Tim's flat in Crawley to drop off my larger bits of furniture that I'm not taking to Stratford / Pudding Mill....let's just call it East London. After that its back here to load up my boxed life and whizz it over to East London, then back over to West Hampstead to drop the van off...where I will do my "Mission Complete" dance. Well not quite complete, I have to come back to this flat to clean it on Sunday. I bet you can imagine just how thrilled I am to do that! In fact I'm willing to pay someone to do it for me. Why didn't I think of this before?

As the last few hours tick by...I want to say Kilburn it's been fun but we must part company for a while. I promise to visit regularly, if only to visit the Milkshake bar up the road which only just gave me a loyalty card this week or to the Starbucks where I visited every weekend, I don't think there's one near me in the new place...there's a McDonalds though...that's just as nice right?! *sobs*. Only joking...bring on the new chapter, me in the East London hood! Booyakasha!

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Dogs in Lifts.

Following on from previous blog...I can confirm that Jordan (aka Katie Price) is indeed staying in my hotel. My director was in the lift (aka elevator) with her yesterday morning, supposedly she looked exactly how you would imagine her to.

I on the other hand shared a lift with a LA fashion gay with coiffured poodle. I think we all know who won.

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.