I was browsing through photos of myself on facebook (come on...we all do it!) and started to notice that over the last few months my stomach is taking over the planet and I'm just starting to look bulkier in all the wrong places.
I'm off to San Francisco next week for a work trip, then off on holiday to Gran Canaria with the gays, then another work trip in Turkey...looking forward to the trips and change of scenery but these places = hot weather = less clothing = man-podge alert!
I never thought this would happen, they dont tell you about this in school do they?...they don't tell you that one day your ability to eat and drink whatever you want will (without warning) just dissapear and you will be left staring in the mirror at something that not only you created but you are also going to have to work really hard to get rid of. I've tried the gym (we all know how successful that was!) so now I've decided that I am going to walk more places, do sit-ups AND alter what I actually eat and drink.
I'm going to reduce the amount of carbs that I eat (I live on Pasta) and start eating more salads, vegetables and fruits. No more snacking on chocolate for me...oh no! Carrot sticks it is! No more drinking wine, I'm switching to Vodka and Tonic (I hate Tonic water so this also makes me drink slower as well, two birds one stone and all that)...and after checking up on the Starbucks website I realised that every morning I was pumping 251 calories into my body, so it's skinny Vanilla Lattes for me from this day forth, a saving of 52 calories, kerching!
As I type this I am being reminded that sitting at my desk is not going to get me this new trim bod, so I'm gonna get up, do some sort of sit up thing and walk to Oxford Street. Or at least to the tube station.
Right now for the very important warning "shot"...def: "a photo commonly placed in the fridge to deter fatties from eating their feelings".

Note to self: The drink you are drinking in this picture is giving you the podge in the bottom of this picture - STOP!!!!
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