Let me take you back to Saturday just gone - Eurovision night! How on Earth did Norway win!? For those of you who didn't watch the show here's the performance, for those of you who did, a nasty reminder....
Yes, I know what you're thinking, I thought it too...
- Why is Harry Potter playing a fiddle?
- Why are the dancers dancing like frogs?
- Who the hell are those scary girls in pink?
They were certainly no Ukraine! The woman re-mortgaged her bloody house to pay for her stage set. Did the little norwegian imp care enough to do that? nope, by the looks of things, he didnt even invest in a new stick/ bow thing!
As with many issues in life I turn to the comments on youtube for guidance..."the song sucks and this ugly guy should die" - perhaps a little harsh Fussgaengerzone! Musicloveroninternet says they "dont know anyone that does not like his songs", they've clearly not met me and jjgreek1 exclaimed "Freedom for Russia's Gays NOW", there's a time and a place and I feel this is the wrong forum.
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