Monday snow stopped play, in fact Monday, snow stopped EVERYTHING!
I've never seen anything like it in my life! I remember when I lived in NY the snow was pretty deep and it was freezing, but never seen it so bad in London!? No tube, no trains, no buses!
The majority of the office couldn't get in as trains were cancelled, I however could get the Bakerloo line, so I donned my UGGs and out I went to brave the elements! Whilst walking down Kilburn High Road, some little scally-wag (not my chosen name at the time) lobbed a snow ball at me! - seriously! Who does that to people they don't know!? What a silly so-and-so! (again not what I called him that day!) - he missed! HA! Somehow I arrived at Baker Street tube station, manoeuvred myself down the road and got to the office just dodging a icicle that had dropped from a building and smashed in front of me - mission complete! As I arrived on the menswear floor I could see that I was not alone in my sense of other members of the menswear team! The office closed early, in fact just 3 hours after I arrived. Back to the Penthouse(tm) I went.
Lori, Jo, our mate Claire and I were all sat in the living room. I was trying to work (on 2 laptops), Lori was watching TV, Jo was working and making pancakes and Claire, who's in the police force, was practicing putting hand-cuffs on people (she's good! - I was her guinea pig) - cabin fever set in! We had to get out the flat so went out and played in the snow, had a bit of snow ball fight, made a half-arsed attempt at making a snowman (I think we managed a snow-cat) and then went for a walk up the road to see the "fit" boys flat and their snowman which was far superior to ours - complete with scarf!
Thankfully, 3 days later and today the white stuff has pretty much gone and I'm hoping the rumours that we're going to get more snow and even sleet aren't true.
When I say rumours I actually mean the BBC forecast, but they're not always right are they? Two words for you...HURRICANE, 1987 (OK 1 word). Whilst I was looking at the BBC website for said forecast (by the way if you're interested, sleet in the morning, snow at lunch, followed by more sleet, topped off with just cloud) I came across some eye witness accounts of that fateful day back in October 1987 when Mr.Fish got it wrong...
"In the early morning my father and I stood looking across Dorking at the utter devastation done to the trees on the horizon. After a few minutes, my father asked me how many trees we had at the end of our garden. I thought for a moment and said, "six". Well, we were down by one. It had fallen away from our garden down the hill onto the houses below. We rushed down the garden terrified as to what had happened - luckily the tree was very polite and the only casualty was a greenhouse. " -
Paul Robbins, England.If anyone asked me how many "polite" trees were at the end of our garden first thing in the morning I would ask them to get their arse out of my bedroom, I wouldn't be rushing to the window plucking numbers out the air.
"I was living in Devon. I woke up and looked out the window to see roof tiles flying horizontally across the garden. I then later found a piece of one embedded 3 cm into a thick wooden door". Clearly shaken up by this ordeal T Higgins has since moved to Australia.
"Even with both skylights fully open, I slept through the whole damn thing!" - Matt from England.
...There's always one!