This is obviously not taken on the tube - it's the same message on a London bus.
How depressing is that? Don't get me wrong I'm not the most religious in the world (I've not been to church since I decided that the vicar at my church was actually the devil in disguise and also I learnt that being gay wasn't the most accepted of things) but I am by no means a fully fledged atheist, I guess I just don't really think about it either way - I'm probably more ignorant than anything else.
I hate having religious folk ram the bible down my throat and it's common knowledge that religion has caused many a war in the past and continues to do so but for a lot of people (including some of my family and close friends) it is still something that keeps them a float, something that helps them deal with life and all the manure it throws at you sometimes.
I don't get what an "atheist campaign" is setting out to even achieve? Are they hoping Mrs.Smith, 72 years old who has outlived a lot of her friends will look up and think"gosh they have a point, I'm not making any more jams for my church fete...oh no...all these years I've been fooled" - what would that gain?
What makes it even worse is that it smuggly states at the bottom that the adverts have been paid for by public donations - is there not a more needy cause?!
Anyway I am at risk of going into rant mode and well I don't want to, I don't want this blog to turn into some sort of political sounding board - I think you can all gather that's not me, it would also make me no different to the atheists or religious nuts.
I just want world peace and everyone to get on and...actually my mate Martin has just got here so I want to crack open a bevvy..."There might be a God, there might not be, so stop preaching either way, have some more free minutes to Uganda and have a great day" - Now that's what I want to read on the way to work.
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