Bit of a mad dash down to House of Fraser on Oxford Street store at lunch today, needed to collect a present for my sister to give to me tomorrow (is it wrong that my sister will be giving me CK's?) anyway on the way back (and at this point I'm late) I stepped into Starbucks on Wigmore street and there was instantly a calmness, might have something to do with the fact that there were very few customers in there but what ever it was - ahhh refreshing.

I didn't have a coffee this time, instead I grabbed my all-time favourite panini - Emmental and Mushroom! so good!
I grabbed it "to go", but in my passing did notice that the place was spotless, really clean so thumbs up for that. As I was leaving the lovely man or "Barista" as they like to be called shouted "Merry Christmas" at me - so that earned them valuable points as well. Also let's not forget the name "Wigmore" haha oh you couldn't make it up - amazing!
I still think that the Starbucks on James Street is cuter but this one is a close contender for different reasons.
It's Christmas, I'm feeling festive and I'm in a good mood therefore I reward Wigmore street Starbucks 7 mochas out of 10. Good times!
On the subject of Starbucks, Simon from work got me a fantastic Birthday/Christmas present..wait for official Starbucks Employee Polo Shirt...I have no idea how he got it nor do I think I should ask...but wow!! Here I am modelling it...

Right It's now getting late, it's Christmas eve and I still have to get back to Essex to be with my family at this time of Noel...Doubt Ill get to my blog tomorrow so HAPPY CHRISTMAS Everyone or if you don't celebrate it...erm...Have a good Thursday off? ;o)
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