Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Video WOW of the Week!

My First Video WOW in three years and it's a good'un. United Kingdoms entry for the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest. Electro Velvet - Still in Love With You.

I'm back!!!

I'm back!!!

It's been over three years since I last posted! Eeeek.

I'm now 31 for goodness sake! I've moved out of London AND I'm even engaged, so yeah, a lots changed.

I've decided to start blogging again - I've missed it - OK I didn't have that many "followers" and no one probably knew that I disappeared let alone re-appeared but I'm determined to get back on the ol' blogging horse and start writing down my inner most thoughts once more.

I was going to start vlogging on You Tube, it's far cooler than blogging these days, but I've decided to put "pen to paper' instead for a few reasons; 1) I sound MEGA camp on any type of recording device 2) I'm just not cool and I don't need people to see me and to tell me that - this is a lot more anonymous.

So anyway, nice to "meet" you, welcome to my little piece of the internet.