Wednesday, 20 April 2011

I want!!!

I think I've blogged before about how my shopping habits have changed over the years. When it comes to designer clobber I've become a "considered shopper" this I mean "An individual who rarely impulse purchases but looks, thinks and if it starts to consume them from within, purchases". Not only does it save you money (kinda) it also means everything in your wardrobe deserves to be there.

Well...I have a wannabe purchase tugging at my heart (and purse) strings...

The unisex tees from brand "5 preview". I've seen this brand before, not really considered it but since seeing a rail in some over trendy HK store, I'm now craving their simplicity, bold prints and tongue in cheek usage of high profile designer this instance the double C of Chanel.

I want!!!

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Ovaltine is over rated.

You must be kidding right? After one one week of no jet lag, feeling springy, totally in control of what I'm doing and working with my fabulous team to put a rather fabulous range into work, I am sat awake at about 4am having had very little continuous sleep and well, it feels crap, especially considering I have some denim prices to firm up tomorrow morning.

I'm not putting this down to jet lag, it's been 11 days since I arrived in Hong Kong, its something much more sinister. As those of you who follow me on twitter will be aware, Username: Pauluk1983 if you're interested? (Nothing like shameless plugging) I have the dreaded inflammation of the two red mouth balloons, the hideous white specks have reclaimed my throat...(I think my tonsillitis has come back).

There are many things that I worry about on work trips, that's why they're work trips, that's why they're hard work and not called a holiday. But three of the key things I dread the most are, in no particular order, 1) missing a flight, 2) not being home for a serious family crisis and 3) getting sick...last one: check!

I was so careful! I was sleeping enough, eating healthily, drinking more water than humanly possible. It struck me the other morning, whilst in the shower that it might be something to do with that bloody five element tea I was knocking back in the contemplation room the other day. Fabulous for your gall bladder and eyesight but clearly the rest of your body will shut down. I thought Chinese zen was going to be the new me (well until I get bored and move on to a new fad) I'm not so sure now.

Since coming down with the dreaded plague I've drunk even more water, been taking it easy (as much as a work trip will permit) and ensured that I'm getting enough sleep, popping the pills and avoiding alcohol. Well I did have a vodka and tonic last night, I figured being highly alcoholic, gargling it round the back of my throat might do something? Cleansing or some crap like that? It didn't help really, just made me feel even more light headed, stuck to water for the rest of the night.

I knew it was important to get a full nights sleep. Sooooo, when we got back to the hotel bar for a night cap, much to my teams amusement, I plunged for an Ovaltine. Did it give me crazy dreams? Yes! Did it help me sleep?! Did it tonsils!

Now excuse me, whilst I sniff the lavender pillow strip the kind hotel left me and attempt to nod off. Ovaltine dreams here I come i.e being naked in bed conducting a fabric selection with my directors all sat on chairs around, really!

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Hello from Honkers!

I'm in Hong Kong again and I've returned to my favourite part of the hotel...The Contemplation Room on the 41st floor. Had quite a late / drunken one last night so following 4 hours of lying in bed watching several Discovery Channel shows on boating and logging (?!) this seemed to be the best place to head to detox and unwind before a late lunch. I'm kinda tempted to have one of the free teas...theres one for each of the five question is do I really want to drink metal... or earth for that matter? I'm assuming water is the safest bet?

I'm here for two weeks again, one week down with just 4 more days to go. Jet lag hasn't been such a problem this time round. I think I've discovered the best way to overcome it. I've already blogged about the standard things to do like make sure all your clocks, phones and watches are set to the new time which I continue to do...the difference this time I can only put down to the fact that I went out the night before my flight out here. I think I got home about 5am. When on the flight I slept for about 6 hours and then stayed awake until about ten o'clock before going to bed. Somehow I got up the following day for a 9am breakfast having slept right through - result!

I'm not here on my own this time, Ross the other casual menswear Buyer is here too, he's swimming at the moment I think? As did I yesterday...amazing pool, lovely warm water with a view over the city. We're making the most of the down time before the other team join us about 6ish this evening. After lunch I'm going to pop over the road for a spot of retail therapy and then go for a massage...they're so cheap here in comparison to London and so damn good!

One of the Spa staff has just come in and offered me the dreaded tea. it would be rude not to try it, he had a really bad lisp which compelled me to even more. Todays element is "wood"...good for my bladder, gall bladder, eyes, tendons and ligaments, very good for helping my vision (supposedly)...the emotions affected being depression and anger, which is a good job considering, similarly to last time I was here 5 months ago, two loud Chinese women have just come in and disturbed me talking about cameras or something. Now a guy has joined them munching on a frigin ice cream.

Better go now, I'm hungry, a boy can not survive on wood tea alone, I will leave you with my view...

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Video WOW of the Week!

Britney's new single "Till the World Ends". Not too sure how I feel about Britney predicting the "end of the world" on my Birthday...but I'm hoping by the way she emerges from that old sewer at the end, looks around with that rather gormless smile on her face, that she got it wrong...*phew*.

Video is MUCH better than the last "Hold it against me" gypsy wedding attempt if you ask me. A bit of dancing, bit of a storeline, bravo!