Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Twenty Seven, the new Twenty Six.

I turned 27 yesterday.

That's right, this young thang is, well, not so young any more. I'm not moaning mind you - I have a good feeling about 27.

27, old enough to be classed as a working professional, but that 2 in front lets you claw on to your youth. You can still make mistakes, you can still go out on a night long bender, just don't expect the sympathy when you're feeling like death in the morning - you're old enough to know better.

SO what will this year hold for me? What am I going to do differently at this age? Well, this could be the year that I do the transition to "older gay' know the type I mean, we've all seen them.

The new "older gay" me visits, no, make that peruses, Heals department store of a weekend, looking for things I don't really need, but beautiful things that I really want, things absolutely necessary to enrich my life.

I watch the news in the morning and reads real newspapers, not the free ones you get on the tube, I follow this up with various topical discussions about said world events with other 27 year olds.

After work, I meet with my friends and we catch an independent art movie or some musical theatre.

I will ensure that my wardrobe is made up of Heritage brands...if it's not Burberry, Barbour or Ralph Lauren I don't want to know. It's what we older men wear, that and spectacles.

I will frequent a coffee bar (OK, Starbucks) on a Sunday morning before catching a photography exhibition, this will spark an interest which will develop into a hobby - nothing serious, just a bit of fun, just a few snaps that I will have framed and placed around my flat, it's what we call talking points when throwing dinner parties.

Nights out will still occur, naturally, however they will become less frequent. I wont drink during the week, oh no, Friday's it is, that gives me two days to recover. I will drink champagne cocktails or a simple vodka and tonic - I'm so deep.

As I type this I can feel myself disagreeing with myself - Oh God, I feel a rebellious streak coming through, a mutton dressed as lamb, shot drinking, dance floor hogging man trying to escape...perhaps 27 is the age that I find a balance, yes a balance, that's a good start right? Quick someone grab me a disco ball!

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Video WOW of the Week!

One of the funniest adverts on TV at the moment. Starts off well, girl in headset, looking cool, loving the tune, mates on a bus having a great night out, feel good isn't it?! Then it happens, like that advert for those chocolates they called Munchies, you find out it's for Lambrini! What's that saying?! Oh can't polish a turd!

- Posted (with love) from my gorgeous iPad.