It's around two in the morning and I have work at nine, quite frankly I should be asleep! - Might have something to do with the bottle of "Spark" Vitamin Water I drank just before bed...well, Spark by name, Spark by nature - yes, that would be the guarana!?
To kill time, I thought I would log in, and review the year - How did I get on with my "
Things to do in 2009"?
The new me in 2009 was going to....
Save some money every month – I’m thinking £20 is a good place to start? -
FAILAim to visit the gym at least twice a week. -
FAIL, (I left!)
Only go out on the town once...OK, twice a week. -
FAIL, although I'm sure I've slowed down!Read more books -
FAILKeep my Fraser-card on zero balance -
FAILEat healthy balanced diet. -
Tried at this one..improving, all be it slowlyTake more photos. -
PASS!So, overall dissapointing! That wasn't enough for me..(what was I thinking!?) I was going to do the following as well...
1) Have a clear out (both London and Essex house) and EBay /charity shop stuff I don’t need.
PASS2) Sign up for French Lessons. -
FAIL3) Watch the sun-rise over London from Primrose Hill. -
PASS4) Go for dinner at Yauatcha, Soho -
PASS5) Visit Scotland. -
FAIL6) Go and play Bingo.
7) Visit Buckingham Palace.
- FAIL8) Learn to cook dim-sum.
- FAIL9) Re-visit roller disco.
- FAIL10) Organise a University re-union.
- FAIL11) Go on a bike ride.
- FAIL12) Buy and keep alive a goldfish.
- FAIL13) Sing at Karaoke
- PASS14) Go and have a drink in the North London Tavern with Jo and Lori.
- FAIL4 out of 14 complete - oh dear! Well I shan't lose face, todays the 31st of December, I have until midnight to complete the other 10 right? So, here's the plan...actually, who am I kidding? That's clearly not going to happen, I could scoot past Buckingham Palace in my lunch break but it's not likely.
Going to keep it a little more achievable for 2010...what to do!? what to do!?