My faith in humanity has been restored. Imagine the scene...I'm late for work, I'm jet lagged and in need of a coffee.
I darted into Starbucks on Baker Street, ordered my Grande Vanilla Late, went to pay and realised that I didn't have my debit card with me...In fact all I had was 3 dollars which clearly wasn't going to get me anywhere, well not in this country anyway.
I was just asking the Barista to stop making my drink (very embarassing!), about to leave when the guy next to me in the queue offered to pay! Clearly he could see how much I was in need of that coffee! I accepted.
What a nice guy! That NEVER happens in London! As I dashed up the road to my office I thought to myself, "Would I do the same?" I concluded that I probably would, I then thought I wish I'd ordered a croissant as well and gone Venti!