Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Dinner Party Plans - Part 2

Had another think about Lori's question again today....here are the remainders of my fictitious dinner party guests up to 10...

5) Charlotte from Sex and the City - she's my favourite!

6) Harry Potter from...erm...Hary Potter?! He can do magic and is a student at Hogwarts? need I go further?

7) Dr.Who - think of all the stories!

8) Karen Smith from Mean Girls - How intelligent would she make me look?

9) Marcus St.James from Ugly Betty - Sarcastic, Sarcastic, Sarcastic - love it!

10) Becky Bloomwood from the Shopaholic books. - Scarily I can relate.

So there we go....My table so far! What do you think? I'm happy.

Monday, 6 October 2008

...now that's a toughy!

My housemate Jo and I sat down to watch America's Next Top Model tonight and our old flatmate Lori came round to watch it with us...in one of the breaks, Lori asked me a very important question...which ten real people and ten fictitious characters would you invite to a dinner party? Then out of the twenty, who would be your ULTIMATE ten?

Thought I would start with the fictitious (not in any order)

1) Troy Bolton from High School Musical

2) Daniel Mead from Ugly Betty

3) Monica from Friends

4) Karen from Will and Grace

Hmm that's all I can think of so far...happy with the selection so far though...so far my evening consists of talking business with Daniel, getting drunk with Karen, chatting with Monica (she will also clean up afterwards) and sing a song with Troy (OK, OK, just stare at him). So that's only 4 people (and I thought it would be easy!) I would stay and finish my list but it's gone 11 now, my brain isn't working and I have an early start tomorrow, perhaps the rest of them will pop into my head over the next few days?

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Starbucks never tasted so good!

I have just got back from a week in the beautiful Devonshire countryside...had an amazing week, really relaxing and just what I needed to recharge the batteries...however one thing made me feel a little un-easy, it would appear that the West Country has not heard of Starbucks! I had to go the whole week without a single visit, we went to the nearest town and they only had a Costa...well that just doesnt cut it with me! I needed the Starbucker goodness badly...so now I'm back in London Town, my flatmate and I took a wander down the road to West Hampstead and yes...I have just purchased a Grande Caramel Macchiato! Amazing!

Video WOW of the Week!

This weeks video WOW of the Week is The Saturdays forthcoming single "Up". Due for release on the 13th October. Enjoy!

And so it begins...

I've been meaning to set up a blog for some time now, I've set up a few in the past but never stuck to it but now is the time, today is the day...I am setting one up and sticking to it!

I'm Paul...at the time of typing this I am 24 years old and I live in London...